

                    Balent MicroFarmsTM

California grown, gourmet heirloom avocados, lemons,

grapes & guavas!
The best handcrafted produce straight from tree to you.

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There are over a thousand varieties of avocados and the Balent family's Santana avocado tree is one of the best varieties available.  The Balent MicroFarms' orchard has the perfect combination of produce variety, soil, microclimate, tree cultivation.  Their location in coastal Southern California combined with their tree's heirloom heritage, maturity (it's over 60 years old) and it's size (over 40 feet tall and over 30 feet in diameter) yields avocados of exceptional buttery flavor and smooth texture.  In a banner year it will produce over a ton of avocados.  With each avocado weighting about a pound, that's over 2,000 avocados.  More typically with the drought our harvest has been closer to 1,000 avocados.

California Avocados Commission website

The California Avocado Commission website has a wealth of avocado information, recipes, nutritional facts, avocado news, avocado related videos.


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